Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Xbox 360 still kicks butt for this guy - Just started playing Skyrim (Elder Scrolls V) - I'm so late to the party

I just can't spend $500 on a xbox one when my current system is still fun.  

The Xbox 360 still lives on in my home.  

Others in my home play Minecraft on it daily.

Castle Crashers is a fun 4 player game.

FIFA Soccer 15 is fun for awhile with ultimate team, but you really have to either spend a lot of extra cash or be a serious gamer to make enough money for the top player cards.

Destiny was fun for awhile and would be for a new player.

Old school Techno-Bowl football on arcade!

Quake 2!

Netflix/Amazon Video/Youtube

AND NOW I HAVE DISCOVERED THIS EPIC OF A GAME - SKYRIM - ELDER SCROLLS V.  I may have only spent about 8 hours on this game, but I am hooked.  I spent about 4 of those 8 hours just moving the dead women corpses around and putting them in hilarious positions.   What fun!!  If you ever expect to finish this game - you won't have a social life and plan on weight gain...  ITS MNFT!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Golfing in a League = MNFT / "mini vacation"

One day per week this guy takes a mini 3-4 hour vacation.  That's right.  I leave home with my clubs, golf shoes, and a couple bag beers and head to the same course weekly.

Soon as I arrive I forget about the business day and get a break from my family.  Once a week just nine holes.  This is all i do.  It is like weekly therapy.  It is true that golf comes with its own set of stresses, but you are only worried about what club you are using and why you didn't hit that shot like you wanted.  There are also those times when you have the best round of your life that will keep you coming back.

I also love the competitiveness of a league - ours is a money league.  You pay league dues at the beginning of the season - and this pays out for 1st-3rd place.  There are also weekly games "closest to the pin" and "longest putts" to win money each time out.  Awesome.   

Waking up on Golf Day is awesome - you know its coming.  The entire day is setup around your leave time for the course.  If you are a sometimes here and there golfer and love doing it - I would recommend contacting your local courses and see if any leagues have openings.  Even in the middle of the season usually one or two will have a spot open.  

It is MNFT after all and could be yours too!