The Xbox 360 still lives on in my home.
Others in my home play Minecraft on it daily.
Castle Crashers is a fun 4 player game.
FIFA Soccer 15 is fun for awhile with ultimate team, but you really have to either spend a lot of extra cash or be a serious gamer to make enough money for the top player cards.
Destiny was fun for awhile and would be for a new player.
Old school Techno-Bowl football on arcade!
Quake 2!
Netflix/Amazon Video/Youtube
AND NOW I HAVE DISCOVERED THIS EPIC OF A GAME - SKYRIM - ELDER SCROLLS V. I may have only spent about 8 hours on this game, but I am hooked. I spent about 4 of those 8 hours just moving the dead women corpses around and putting them in hilarious positions. What fun!! If you ever expect to finish this game - you won't have a social life and plan on weight gain... ITS MNFT!